Saturday, January 24, 2009

Goodbye Tony and Herm

The Kansas City Chiefs just fired Herm Edwards as their head coach. This firing comes during the same offseason in which Tony Dungy retired from the Indianapolis Colts. The two coaches have been very close friends throughout their careers and any time that the two coaches teams played each other, they always had a very loving embrace on the field. So loving that in watching them, I often felt that I needed an adult. In fact, I'm a bit surprised that one of their post game embraces wasn't found here.

It's only fitting that these intertwined coaches stopped coaching the same offseason. I mean, they are basically the same guy. They look almost exactly the same. They are both mild mannered coaches who are loved by the media. And now, both are gone. I know I'm in the minority here, but I am glad to see them both gone.

A large part of my sentiment is the fact that they both coached for teams I don't like (Colts and Jets) but it's also because they are both incredibly boring. When you can't tell in a post game conference if the team won or lost based on the coaches body language, they are a boring coach. When a coach never does a single thing that is even slightly controversial, they are a boring coach.

Give me a coach like Mike Singletary and his pants-dropping rants. Give me any of the coaches in the Coors Lite commercials. Just don't give me a coach who says the most boring, P.C. things imaginable. People are just a little bit too sensitive in this day and age, and while sometimes its warranted, it makes for a far less fun life. So here's hoping their replacements are more fun on the podium, and that they have less man-love moments.

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